Monday, September 15, 2014


It says my video is too big even though it's literally 4 pictures and a title card. Really, Blogger?? But yeah, basically I want the dancers to dance and stretch by moving their arms, legs, torsos and shadows.

Bouncing Ball in AE

After Effects was a breath of fresh air after Flash. It's much easier to use. Using the pen tool was about the same even though I still had a problem with the timing although this time instead of being too fast it was too slow.

Using the pen tool to make the guide was the same as Flash, making the keys was much easier with the drop down menus in After Effects. For the squash and stretch I couldn't remember how it was done in class so I used a method I learned when making my senior thesis film. I split the layer and changed the shape of the ball in each layer I split from the original layer; yes it gives you a shit-ton of layers to work with when you're done but it gets the job done. The explosion I just imported from a free FX website and made it go KA-BOOM!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ball bounce in Flash

I did it!! I've never used Flash before, so this was all very new to me. I've taken enough production classes and used after Effects and Premiere enough to know that no matter how much I struggle there will be a logical explanation to whatever it is I can't figure out. I tend to get really lost because there are so many details to each process that when I miss one there is no recovery.

I first figured out how to make an arc with the pen tool  by using the handles. The I figured out how to make a tween and get the ball to follow the path by linking them. Then I attempted to adjust the time of the fall and do the squash and stretch.

Unrelated note: Nothing has ever exported so fast.